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Shady Ancestors

James Nguyen
28. Oct 2022

Idealised ancestors. We inherit stories from relatives and family but are these stories trustworthy? What beautiful lies have we inherited?

This performance lecture asks us to question and interogate the family stories we have been told by our relatives and ancestors. What lies have helped othem to survive and thrive ithrough trauma and violence? What lies and delusions have we been told inorder to justify the errors of our inherited past, present and futures?

This presentation compares family truths with counter historical truths, it is a taboo act which sees our ancestors as fellow humans rather than untouchable deities.


James Nguyen

Engagement: LAB.01

James Nguyen has a potluck practice.

He has a PhD interogating broken mother tongues at the University of NSW, a Master of Fine Arts on the cinematic body at the University of Sydney, a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons) at the National Art School, and a Bachelor of Pharmacy from Charles Sturt University. He was a collaborative fellow at UnionDocs (Centre for Documentary Arts, NYC) and continues to present new work, or in the process of applying for grants to keep presenting new work.
